First Mobile Church
This is a full church service that you access with your phone (smart phones not required). Since you're on a phone, you can chat with the others when you arrive and you can register prayer needs - joys or concerns. It's really a lot of fun and very convenient for travelers, home bound, or not feeling well.
For more details, go to
To experience First Mobile Church, simply call 1-515-604-9107 at 9:00am eastern time on Sunday morning. Or, call in at 8:45am for a bit of fellowship time. There is even a toll free number if you don’t have a long distance plan. Call 1-855-212-0212 and enter 345-710-914#.
Mobile Church is one of the PCUSA’s 1001 Worshiping Communities. You can find it at
The worship service starts promptly at 9:00am eastern time. It opens with prayer and announcements, followed by worship music. There is then a time to listen to prayer needs, followed by prayer, ending with the Lord’s prayer. At this point, the call is muted for the reading of scripture and the sermon. Following the sermon are comments about possibilities of response. The service is concluded with a sending song and a benediction. The gathered can then hang around and reflect on what they heard or go into their day. The service lasts about 40 or 45 minutes.